
This section contains basic terms and definitions that are found in standards, regulations, manuals, and articles. To view a term or definition, click on the link. An alphabetical dictionary index is available for system search , with which you can select all words starting with the desired letter.


Mineral chemical composition Ca[SO 4 ]. The system is rhombic. Dense masses or leafy aggregates are common. Thick tabular, prismatic, and sometimes pseudocubic crystals are rare. Color white, grayish, bluish, reddish. According to TSB.


A large-format hollow ceramic product with a nominal thickness of 140 mm or more, intended for masonry installations. According to GOST 530

Notched trowel

A toothed tool that allows you to create a layer of mortar or adhesive in the form of grooves of equal thickness on the base and (or) on the back of the tile or slabs. According to EN 12004.

Alkali resistance

The ability of a tile to withstand the effects of a given alkali of a certain concentration under certain conditions without the subsequent appearance of defects on the glazed surface and (or) destruction of the shard. According to ST SEV 3979.

Heat resistance

The ability of a tile to withstand sudden changes in temperature under certain conditions without the appearance of defects on the glazed surface and (or) destruction of the shard. According to ST SEV 3979.


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