Porcelain Tile Guides. Installation, cleaning and maintenance

The first issue of the Porcelain Tile Guide series is dedicated to procedures for correctly installing tiles and further caring for them.

When laying tiles, it is necessary, even before the actual execution, to carry out careful planning and evaluate some basic indicators, for example:

  • characteristics of the surface covered with tiles;
  • purpose of the room where the tiles are laid;
  • the selected tile and its technical characteristics.

 A tile installation is considered satisfactory when it meets the following requirements:

  • uniformity and harmony: the tiled surface is flat, without swellings and depressions, with straight and uniform seams;
  • integrity, that is, without lagging elements and without faults;
  • durability, that is, it can perform its technical and aesthetic functions for a long time without deteriorating under the influence of operational loads;
  • safety, does not cause injury to people.

This manual provides all the necessary instructions for high-quality installation of tiles and care for them in order to most fully identify the technical and aesthetic advantages of ITALON .

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