TK 36-03

Technological map for installing ceramic tile floors. 36-03 TK. 2003

The technological map presents the technology for installing ceramic tile floors. The technological map was developed in accordance with current regulatory documents and based on studying the experience of organizations in installing ceramic tile floors at construction sites in the Moscow construction complex.

The map shows the technology for installing ceramic tile floors; sections are presented on the organization and technology of the construction process, on safety and labor protection, and the quality of work; the need for machines, mechanisms and devices is given in order to reduce labor costs, improve organization and improve the quality of work.

The card is intended for work producers, craftsmen and foremen involved in the installation of ceramic tile floors, as well as technical supervision workers of the customer and engineering and technical workers of construction and design and technological organizations.

For any suggestions regarding the site: [email protected]
Для любых предложений по сайту: [email protected]