I plan to start tiling the porch with ceramic tiles in the near future. Based on aesthetic considerations, I want to use profile steps with a “spout.” This is where the question arises - how to properly lay them either flush with the riser or beyond it? What stitches are recommended? As usual, I will do the installation myself.
I will give drawings from the recommendations for laying steps from the German manufacturer of ceramic steps Interbau blink:

It can be seen that both options can be used. Those interested can read the instructions in full at the link .
In the photo from the instructions, “Distance seam 3-5 mm” is highlighted in yellow. Do I understand correctly that it is not filled with tile adhesive? What then should it be filled with?
I use regular cardboard as a spacer; I always have this material on hand. It is easy to cut a figure of any shape and thickness from it.
I usually fill this gap with foam.
Well, foam is all right, but cardboard?! Guys, it seems to me that you can just as well leave this gap unfilled (or fill it with air).
Why not cardboard? In both cases, it will not absorb moisture, and therefore will not collapse. But there will be gaps for movement of the base and coating from temperature and humidity expansion during further operation. Although I agree - foam will be more reliable.
Grachik , please explain for what purpose and at what point during installation is polyurethane foam used?
Yes, to be honest, I don’t know whether this is necessary or not... It’s just that when I had to lay the steps for the first time, I found instructions on the Internet - now I do it that way! And the customer is satisfied, seeing that I work thoroughly. I blow it with foam after installation (when the glue has already dried). Personally, I believe that this gives additional strength to the “spouts” and allows the base + coating structure to change linear dimensions without visible consequences (cracks, chips, peeling) due to temperature fluctuations.
The distance gap can be safely left without filling with anything. For more details, watch the video instruction Installation and laying of steps for stairs and porches .