Facing technology

Floors made of ceramic tiles can be laid if the building has completed general construction and installation work, during which the finished floor covering may be damaged: waterproofing, installation of foundations for equipment, window and door frames have been installed, hidden electrical wiring networks have been laid, sanitary and technical work has been completed, excluding the installation of instruments, passages to the workplace are cleared, materials, tools and devices are delivered to the workplace.

Work on installing ceramic tile floors is carried out in the following technological sequence:

  1. SORTING OF CERAMIC TILES. Composition of technological operations . Sorting tiles by size (calibration), color and shade, quality of the front surface; Rejection of defective tiles. Laying sorted tiles into containers or cassette boxes.
  2. ALIGNMENT AND SHARPENING OF TILE EDGES. Composition of technological operations . Removing local protrusions and leveling (grinding) the entire surface of the edges of partial and whole tiles.
  3. CUTTING CERAMIC TILES. Composition of technological operations . Applying marking marks (lines); cutting tiles; chipping off the cut part.
  4. DRILLING HOLES IN CERAMIC TILES. Composition of technological operations . Marking the center of the hole; drilling holes of the required diameter.
  5. PREPARATION OF SOLUTION FOR FACING WORKS. Composition of technological operations . Dosage of components (binder, fillers, water); loading the mixer drum; mixing the mixture in a mortar mixer; unloading the prepared solution from the mortar mixer.
  6. PREPARATION OF BASES FOR FLOOR COVERING. Composition of technological operations . Control of the evenness of the base; elimination of surface defects; removal of dirt and grease stains.
  7. DEVICE OF LEVELING SCREED UNDER TILE FLOORS. Composition of technological operations . Installation and alignment of lighthouse slats; moistening the base; laying and leveling the mortar mixture; compaction and smoothing of the screed surface; removing lighthouse slats and sealing furrows.
  8. DEVELOPMENT OF FLOOR COVERING. Composition of technological operations . Checking the geometric shape of the coating; breakdown of coverage elements.
  9. CONSTRUCTION OF BEACONS. Composition of technological operations . Transferring a geodetic mark to the premises; marking the level of the finished floor; installation of a reference beacon; installation of intermediate beacons.
  10. FLOORING BY LAYING TILES BY PIECES. Composition of technological operations . Cleaning and moistening the base; dividing the coverage into sections and installing intermediate beacons; laying mortar layer and tiles.
  11. FLOORING BY BATCH METHOD. Composition of technological operations . Cleaning and moistening the base; dividing the coverage into sections and installing intermediate beacons; laying a mortar layer; filling the template with tiles; laying a template filled with tiles.
  12. FLOORING BY VIBRATING TILES. Composition of technological operations . Cleaning and wetting the base; preliminary soaking of the tiles in an aqueous solution of surfactants; laying a layer of hard cement-sand mortar; laying out and embedding tiles using a vibrating plate.
  13. ACID-RESISTANT FLOORING. Composition of technological operations . Marking of grips; laying a mortar layer; laying ceramic tiles; acid-resistant finish.
  14. FLOORING FROM CARPET MOSAIC CARDS. Composition of technological operations . Sorting carpet mosaic cards; coverage breakdown; laying beacons and mortar layer; laying of frieze row cards; laying cards background.
  15. FILLING JOINTS AND FINISHING TILE COATINGS. Composition of technological operations . Preparation of plastic cement mortar; filling joints between tiles; cleaning and washing the floor covering.

The list numbers correspond to the card numbers from the following manual:
" Instructional and technological cards on the technology of facing works " Prostapenko I.S.

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