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Question 1

Abrasion resistance is a mechanical characteristic of a lined surface. Indicates the surface’s resistance to wear due to exposure to rubbing objects, surfaces, and materials. Which expressions do you think are correct?

Abrasion resistance is a property characteristic only of glazed ceramic tiles. Since intense and prolonged exposure to the surface over time can lead to partial loss of the glazed layer, and this, in turn, will lead to exposure of the ceramic mass and, as a consequence, to the loss of not only the aesthetic, but also the functional qualities of the facing surface. Damage to unglazed tiles is almost invisible, since abrasion of the top layer leads to exposure of the ceramic mass, which in unglazed tiles is no different from the top layer.

According to the test method EN ISO 10545-7:1998, glazed tiles are divided into wear resistance classes, from "0" to "5". Where fifth class tiles are least resistant to abrasion.

The important point is that unlike other quality tests on tiles, durability testing does not determine the value of the tile. The results of the study divide the tiles into classes, each of which corresponds to a specific purpose of the tile, and in no way to divide the tiles into “bad” and “good”.

Abrasion resistance also affects other functional characteristics of the ceramic tile surface, such as chemical and stain resistance and ease of maintenance. Naturally, this aspect is equally important for glazed and unglazed tiles, because... abrasion leads to a weakening of the tile structure itself, the appearance of pores and microcracks invisible to the naked eye, into which dirt, etc. gets clogged.

The wear resistance requirements for unglazed ceramic tiles and slabs are set by EN 14411 and depend on water absorption and the method of their manufacture.

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