Properties of ceramic tiles (resistance to dirt)

Lecture “Properties of ceramic tiles (hygiene and resistance to contamination)”

Target Audience: General Audience

Lecture topic: demonstration of the hygienic properties of ceramic tiles, their resistance to contamination, the influence of these qualities on the area of ​​application of the material, the importance of the applied aspect of the operation of the cladding.

Lesson plan:

  • Introductory part

Nature of the material.
Production process and types of ceramic tiles. Properties of the material and its main technical characteristics.

  • Main part

​Organic and inorganic pollution.
Prevention and cleaning of surfaces using special products. Development of bacteria and microorganisms. Hygienic requirements for premises.

  • Demo part

Contamination of demonstration samples with various dyes (organic and inorganic). Demonstration samples: glazed ceramic tiles, marble, granite, porcelain tiles, cement tiles, wood, divided into parts (one covered with a protective composition, the other not). Pollutants - wine, machine oil, brilliant green solution, potassium permanganate solution, marker, lipstick, etc.


Cleaning the demonstration samples first using a “mechanical” method (hard brush, rag and water), then using cleaning products (household and professional).

  • Conclusion

Comparative analysis of materials. Results of using surface protection and care products.  

The main goal of the training event is to convey to students the idea that the choice of a particular facing material should primarily be based on the expected operating conditions. The fact that the vast majority of buyers do not state hygiene and resistance to pollution among the main arguments for tiles when choosing a facing material indirectly confirms the opinion that there is a loss of reality in consumer expectations. Care of the cladding is something that the user will encounter every day, while other undoubtedly important technical indicators will remain an empty phrase for him. You can fill dry terminology with meaning and evoke understanding among listeners using an associative series: if you use household dyes (varnish, wine, coffee, etc.) as a pollutant, and during the demonstration, imitate traditional cleaning methods using familiar materials. This will allow participants in the process to more clearly imagine the applied aspect of using ceramic tiles, get used to the role of a consumer and look at familiar things differently.    

Fragment of the lecture. Terra Company, 07/23/2015
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