Extended cracks on the front surface of the cladding

Extended cracks on the front surface of the cladding are a defect in both vertical and horizontal surfaces that arise due to the following factors:

  1. Uneven settlement of the building . Building settlement is the movement of a building caused by compression of the soil at its foundation. Compression of the soil located under the building is a normal process. It is important that the building settles evenly throughout the entire foundation. To do this, it is necessary to take into account many factors at the design stage: soil composition, design features, construction time. As a result of uneven settlement of the building, cracks appear in the foundation and on the surface of the walls. It should be remembered that cracks are the end result of the development of foundation deformation.
  2. Excessive thickness of the mortar layer . Cracks on the front surface of the tile can appear when there are significant fluctuations in the thickness of the layer, due to unevenness of the base or the use of an unsuitable tool for applying the adhesive.
  3. Temperature deformation of the cladding . When the tiled surface is intensively exposed to sunlight or excess heat in the room, extended cracks are observed on the ceramic tiles.
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