Classification of tiles and area of ​​use

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User avatar Dmitry Kedrov
Was here: 2 years 11 months ago
With us from: 21/10/14
Messages: 6
Classification of tiles and area of ​​use

Nowadays, specialized stores offer a large number of types of ceramic tiles. At the same time, sellers and consumers often lack a clear understanding of the physical and chemical characteristics and classification of these types of tiles. So, for example, a sales consultant, presenting wall tiles, talks about the number of firings, presenting floor tiles, talks about the type of clay, presenting porcelain stoneware, talks about pressing, introducing clinker, talks about an unglazed surface. It is clear that in this case it is not easy for the buyer.

By setting this forum topic, I would like to jointly solve three main problems:

  1. highlight the main parameters by which classification of ceramic tiles is possible;
  2. classify ceramic tiles;
  3. For each type of tile, indicate the area of ​​application.

I look forward to your posts.

User avatar Zhuk Slava
Was here: 3 years 1 month ago
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Messages: 20
Classification of tiles by type of clay

Ceramic tiles can be classified according to the type of clay :

  1. pottery (red clay);
  2. earthenware (white clay);
  3. porcelain (a mixture of white clay, kaolin, quartz and feldspars).
User avatar Gennady Sliva
Was here: 2 years 1 month ago
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Classification of tiles by molding method

Ceramic tiles can be classified according to the molding method :

  1. extrusion;
  2. pressing;
  3. casting.

More information on molding methods can be found here .

User avatar Mikhail Grishin
Was here: 3 years 3 months ago
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Classification of tiles by surface treatment method

Ceramic tiles can be classified according to surface treatment method :

  1. glazed;
  2. unglazed.

The glazing process is described here .

User avatar Vasily Petyaev
Was here: 3 years 2 months ago
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Classification of tiles by firing method

Ceramic tiles can be classified according to the firing method :

  1. single;
  2. double;
  3. triple.

Information about the firing stage of ceramic tiles .

User avatar Alexander Bear
Was here: 3 years 3 months ago
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Classification of tiles by shard type

I know that ceramic tiles are classified according to the type of shard :

  1. porous;
  2. compacted;
  3. vitrified (vitreous).

Vitrification is the process of converting raw materials into a glassy mass.

User avatar Denis Enko
Was here: 9 months 18 hours ago
With us from: 24/09/14
Messages: 78
Two basic principles for classifying tiles

There is a wide variety of parameters by which the classification of ceramic tiles is possible, but the basis is based on two basic principles that take into account: physical and chemical features, technological features of production.

Names such as terracotta, cottoforte , majolica , gres porcelanato , gres , clinker , faience are technical terms, each of which corresponds to certain physical and chemical characteristics of the raw material.

Another classification takes into account one of the stages of the technological process, namely firing. Widely used technical and commercial names: single firing , double firing , porous single firing , triple firing - have a technological basis.

Tiles classified in this way have their own technical and commercial names. Due to the fact that Italy has historically been a leader in the production of ceramic tiles, these names have become commonly used, although each country has its own terminological classification, implying a specific technological process, raw material composition, etc.

User avatar Dmitry Kedrov
Was here: 2 years 11 months ago
With us from: 21/10/14
Messages: 6
Tile classification options

So let's sum up the intermediate results. In order to take into account all the characteristic features of each category of tiles, the entire variety of tiles can be reduced to the following classification:

  1. BY CLAY TYPE: pottery (red clay); earthenware (white clay); porcelain (a mixture of white clay, kaolin, quartz and feldspars).
  2. BY MOLDING METHOD: extrusion, pressing, casting.
  3. BY SURFACE TREATMENT METHOD: glazed, unglazed.
  4. BY FIRING METHOD: single, double, triple.
  5. BY TYPE OF SHELL: porous, compacted, vitrified (vitreous).
User avatar Denis Enko
Was here: 9 months 18 hours ago
With us from: 24/09/14
Messages: 78
Example of tile classification

For clarity, I will give a possible classification of tiles.

Type Water load, % Molding Method Application
Glazed surface
Majolica 15 - 25 Pressing walls/interior
Cottoforte 4 - 15 Pressing floor/interior
White clay one-time firing 0 - 6 Pressing floor/interior, exterior
Red clay one-time firing 0 - 3 Pressing floor/interior, exterior
Red porous clay one-time firing 3 - 12 Pressing floor/interior
White clay double fired 6 - 25 Pressing walls/interior
Clinker 0 - 7 Extrusion walls, floor/interior, exterior
Unglazed surface
Cotto 3 - 15 Extrusion walls/interior
Gres red 0 - 4 Pressing floor/interior, exterior
Porcelain tiles 0 - 0,5 Pressing walls, floor/interior, exterior
Clinker 0 - 7 Extrusion walls, floor/interior, exterior
User avatar Associate Professor
Was here: 3 years 3 months ago
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European classification of ceramic tiles

Colleagues, there is a serious discussion going on here. The table with the classification is almost an abstract on a given topic, even the use has been improved, which, of course, is important for the consumer.

At one time I became acquainted with the European standard (EN 14411), in which the classification of ceramic tiles was carried out on the basis of water absorption and the method of molding (in total there were 8 groups, and in the place with subgroups 12, it seems like that). Thus, two basic principles were used, which Denis Enko - physical and chemical features, technological features of production.

Maybe you can dig in this direction? Next we will discuss the result.

User avatar Denis Enko
Was here: 9 months 18 hours ago
With us from: 24/09/14
Messages: 78
Classification of ceramic tiles and slabs EN 14411

I got acquainted with the European standard EN 14411 (thanks to Associate Professor ). Indeed, according to this standard, ceramic tiles and slabs are divided into 12 groups according to their manufacturing method and water absorption. However, the groups do not specify the scope of application of ceramic tiles and slabs.

The classification uses two manufacturing methods:

  1. Method A molding, extruded ceramic tiles and slabs;
  2. molding method B, ceramic tiles and semi-dry pressing slabs.

Based on water absorption (E), ceramic tiles and slabs are divided into the following three groups:

  1. ceramic tiles and slabs with low water absorption (group I), E < 3%. Inside there is a separation of E < 0.5% and 0.5% < E < 3%;
  2. ceramic tiles and slabs with medium water absorption (group II), 3% < E < 10% . Inside there is a division of 3% < E < 6% and 6% < E < 10%;
  3. ceramic tiles and slabs with high water absorption (group III), E > 10%.

Requirements for dimensions and surface quality, as well as physical and chemical indicators must correspond to the data specified in the relevant annex of the standard for each group of ceramic tiles and slabs.

User avatar Dmitry Kedrov
Was here: 2 years 11 months ago
With us from: 21/10/14
Messages: 6

Starting this forum thread, I wanted to jointly find answers to the following problems:

  1. highlight the main parameters by which classification of ceramic tiles is possible;
  2. classify ceramic tiles;
  3. For each type of tile, indicate the area of ​​application.

Let me sum up the intermediate results. We managed to find information on all tasks. Thanks to this forum thread, the “Standards” section on the website has been updated. The European standard EN 14411 , which can be consulted on issues of classification, quality indicators and labeling of ceramic tiles and slabs. Also on the site appeared the interstate standard GOST 6787-2001 , which applies to glazed and unglazed floor tiles.

User avatar Denis Enko
Was here: 9 months 18 hours ago
With us from: 24/09/14
Messages: 78
GOST standards for ceramic tiles

For interested individuals, I will provide a list of interstate standards related to ceramic tiles:

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