
This section contains basic terms and definitions that are found in standards, regulations, manuals, and articles. To view a term or definition, click on the link. An alphabetical dictionary index is available for system search , with which you can select all words starting with the desired letter.


Displacement measured at the center of a layer of hardened mortar or adhesive when the layer is subjected to a three-point load. According to EN 12004.


Natural (ground natural stone, natural and ground sands, etc.) and artificial substances of various sizes, strength and hardness, which together with binders create the structure of the hardened mortar. According to GOST 31189.


Dry mixtures used to strengthen the top layer of concrete and mortar screeds and coatings at the stage of their manufacture, as well as to impart specific decorative properties to the coatings. According to GOST 31189.


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