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Introduced for the first time on November 1, 2015.

The object of standardization of this standard is dry construction adhesive mixtures based on a cement binder. Adhesive mixtures are widely represented on the construction market of dry mixtures of the Russian Federation, each participant of which offers a range of adhesives from three to eight items. This standard was developed taking into account the requirements of European regional standards for adhesive mixtures and is unified with them in terms of classification, acceptance rules and test methods. This standard was developed for the purpose of regulatory provision of manufacturers of dry mixes in the Russian Federation with technical requirements and testing methods for their products, allowing them to obtain results similar to those in EU countries for a comparative assessment of the construction and technical properties of adhesives in scientific, technical and economic cooperation.

User avatar Mikhail Grishin
Was here: 3 years 3 months ago
With us from: 25/09/14
Messages: 9
EN ISO standards and GOST standards

1) The test methods described in EN ISO 10545 establish more stringent requirements compared to those described in GOST 27180-2001;
2) The technical conditions presented in Annex G of the EN 14411 (ISO 13006) standard are more restrictive compared to those presented in GOST 6787-2001.

I agree with these conclusions.

Thus, the compliance of ITALON porcelain stoneware with the EN ISO standard indicates an undoubtedly higher quality of the material than if only the conditions of GOST standards were observed.

This conclusion will be valid for ceramic tiles from any manufacturer whose products comply with the EN ISO standard, and not just for Italon porcelain tiles.

User avatar Mikhail
Was here: 9 months 18 hours ago
With us from: 14/11/14
Messages: 12
Ceramic granite Italon

In our store, the share of sales of Italon porcelain tiles is very significant. I regularly communicate with representatives of this plant and end users of the products. So, I can confirm that Italon porcelain tiles comply with:

1) from the point of view of PRODUCTION, without fail, the requirements of GOST 6787-2001;
2) from a QUALITY point of view, voluntarily and ONLY IN THE CASE OF FIRST GRADE TILES, the requirements of EN 14411 (ISO 13006), Annex G.

The following should be noted:

1) Test methods described in EN ISO 10545 establish more stringent requirements compared to those described in GOST 27180-2001;
2) The technical conditions presented in Annex G of the EN 14411 (ISO 13006) standard are more restrictive than those presented in GOST 6787-2001.

Thus, the compliance of ITALON porcelain stoneware with the EN ISO standard indicates an undoubtedly higher quality of the material than if only the conditions of GOST standards were observed.

User avatar Nikanorych
Was here: 9 months 3 days ago
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Russian standards for ceramic tiles

In the Russian Federation, the following standards apply to ceramic tiles, developed by JSC NIIstroymashkeramika, introduced by the State Construction Committee of Russia and adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Standards and Certification in Construction (MNTKS):

1) GOST 6787-2001 : Ceramic tiles for floors. Technical specifications;

2) GOST 27180-2001 : Ceramic tiles. Test methods;

3) GOST 6141-1991: Glazed ceramic tiles for interior wall cladding. Technical specifications;

4) GOST 13996-1995: Ceramic facade tiles and carpets made from them. Technical conditions.

User avatar Denis Enko
Was here: 9 months 18 hours ago
With us from: 24/09/14
Messages: 78
Italian standards for ceramic tiles

The Italian standardization body, UNI, has also adopted ISO provisions. Thus:

1) the test methods were published in Italian as UNI EN ISO 10545 in 16 parts, which replaced the previous UNI EN standard in 2000;

2) the EN 14411 standard and therefore the ISO 13006 it contains, has been officially published in Italian as the UNI EN 14411 .

This solves the problems associated with the coexistence, since 2000, of the requirements of old standards ( UNI EN 87 and related UNI EN 176 , 177 , 159 , etc.) and new ones.

User avatar Associate Professor
Was here: 3 years 3 months ago
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CE marking

In accordance with the European Construction Materials Directive 89/106, CE marking for ceramic tiles is mandatory throughout the European Union.

User avatar Denis Enko
Was here: 9 months 18 hours ago
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Messages: 78
European standards for ceramic tiles

The European Committee for Standardization has fully adopted the ISO standards, incorporating them into the CEN standards, in particular:

1) The test methods are entirely consistent with the EN ISO 10545 , which is divided into 16 parts. Regarding slip resistance, it is simply necessary to clarify the test method used (there are: German methods for determining the coefficient R in accordance with DIN 51130 and classification A, B, C in accordance with DIN 51097; American method for determining the static coefficient of friction in accordance with ASTM C1028; English method determination of the dynamic coefficient of friction - now used almost exclusively in Italy - in accordance with BCR TORTUS, etc.);

2) EN 14411 contains a non-mandatory “normative” part, drawn entirely from the provisions of ISO 13006, and an “informative” part – annex Z – which contains mandatory instructions regarding the CE marking.

User avatar Mikhail
Was here: 9 months 18 hours ago
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Messages: 12
Standards and tile manufacturer

Nowadays there are manufacturers of ceramic tiles from different countries on the domestic market. Of course, sellers of their products say that production meets all necessary standards.

It is important to know that the tile manufacturer is not obliged to comply with certain standards that establish quality criteria for ceramic products. But the decision to produce according to standards demonstrates the responsibility of the manufacturer, his commitment to maintain a high standard of quality.

User avatar Mikhail Grishin
Was here: 3 years 3 months ago
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Messages: 9
List of parts of ISO 10545

1) ISO 10545. Describes test methods for determining the quality characteristics of tiles depending on the conditions of their use; this standard consists of 17 parts (ISO 10545-1 to ISO 10545-17), each of which presents one test method.

EN ISO 10545, under the general title Ceramic tiles and slabs, includes the following parts:

10545-1 Sampling and acceptance rules
10545-2 Determination of dimensions and surface quality
10545-3 Determination of water absorption, open porosity, apparent density and bulk density
10545-4 Determination of flexural strength and breaking load
10545-5 Determination of impact strength by measuring coefficient rebound
10545-6 Determination of wear resistance - Unglazed tiles and slabs
10545-7 Determination of wear resistance - Glazed tiles and slabs
10545-8 Determination of linear thermal expansion coefficient 10545-9
Determination of thermal resistance
10545-10 Determination of moisture expansion
10545-11 Determination of glaze cracking resistance - Glazed tiles and slabs
10545-12 Determination of frost resistance
10545-13 Determination of chemical resistance
10545-14 Determination of stain resistance 10545-15
Determination of lead and cadmium release - Glazed tiles and slabs
10545-16 Determination of minor color deviations
10545-17 Determination of coefficient of friction

User avatar Associate Professor
Was here: 3 years 3 months ago
With us from: 13/11/14
Messages: 5
Two standards for ceramic tiles

The International Organization for Standardization has developed two standards for ceramic tiles:

1) ISO 10545. Describes test methods for determining the quality characteristics of tiles depending on the conditions of their use;
this standard consists of 17 parts (ISO 10545-1 to ISO 10545-17), each of which presents one test method. 2) ISO 13006. Contains definitions, classification criteria and requirements that ceramic tiles must satisfy.

User avatar Mikhail

Regarding slip resistance, you just need to clarify the test method used (there are: German methods for determining the coefficient of friction in accordance with DIN51130 and classification A, B, C in accordance with DIN51097; American method for determining the static coefficient of friction in accordance with ASTM C1028; English method for determining the dynamic coefficient of friction - now used almost exclusively in Italy - in accordance with BCR TORTUS, etc.)

User avatar Vasily Petyaev

The technology for making ceramic tiles is discussed (and continues to be discussed) in detail on this site. Information on this topic is combined under the tag Production technology . Video material on the production of ceramic tiles is on the forum in the topic Tile production technology . This entire amount of information will be useful both during the first and subsequent reading.

User avatar Denis Enko

We express our gratitude to the authors of the article - students of group TX-1-06 (Tyutcheva Daria Olegovna, Grishchenko Daria Olegovna), as well as their scientific supervisor (Melnikov Evgeniy Pavlovich prof., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy) - for the work done and information community "Infoceramics" about ceramic glazes with various decorative effects achieved by changing the composition, firing modes and other parameters.

User avatar Denis Enko

In cases where the use of glazed ceramic tiles and slabs requires control of the release of lead or cadmium, for example, in contact with food (kitchen work surfaces, in certain sectors of the food industry), it is produced in accordance with EN ISO 10545-15 c indicating the obtained value.

The specific gravity of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) released from the tested surface, R a (M), mg/dm2, is calculated using the formula

R a (M) = R(M)*V/(1000*A),

where M is the released metal (Pb or Cd);
R(M)—concentration of metal M in the extracted solution, mg/l;
V is the volume of acetic acid, ml;
A is the area of ​​the tested surface, dm2.

User avatar Denis Enko
Was here: 9 months 18 hours ago
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Messages: 78
Composite binders

Composite binders are a class of binders that are a composition selected in a certain proportion (mixed at the factory) of mineral and polymer binders. Both components usually participate in the hardening of binders with polymer additives. The degree of such participation largely depends on the properties and composition of both the mineral binder (Portland cement, aluminous cement, gypsum, magnesite, etc.) and the polymer additive. As a result, bases on such compositions acquire properties borrowed from each component of the original mixture. Thus, they can promote plasticization of mixtures with a significant reduction in the water content in them, as well as air entrainment and hydrophobization with a sharp increase in frost resistance. Polymer additives increase ultimate elongation, impact strength, tensile and bending strength, abrasion resistance, adhesion to other materials, etc.

The following are added as additives to mineral binders and concrete mixtures:

aqueous dispersions of polymers - latexes (natural and synthetic rubbers), polyvinyl acetate, polyvinyl chloride and other emulsions that, when mixed with a mineral binder, can disintegrate with the release of water, which is bound during its hydration, and polymer particles that stick together into thin elastic films on the surface of new formations from inorganic binder, strengthening their connection with each other due to gluing;
water-soluble polymers - phenolic, urea, epoxy and so on, capable of transforming into a solid insoluble state in hardening cement stone under the influence of heat or an alkaline environment that occurs during cement hydration, or specially introduced hardener additives.

User aden avatar
Was here: 9 months 2 days ago
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Polymer binders

Polymer binders are a class of binders based on products from the processing of organic compounds (polymers and copolymers of various chemical compositions). Polymers are used natural, but more often - synthetic high-molecular substances. Among them are divinyl and divinylstyrene rubbers, polyvinyl acetate, polyvinyl chloride, polyacrylates and polymethacrylates, polystyrene, phenol-formaldehyde, urea, polyesters, organosilicon, etc., as well as combined polymers. Natural ones include natural rubber (latex), bitumen, carbohydrates (dextrin, alginic acid), protein (casein), etc. The choice of hardeners, catalysts and fillers is determined by the type and nature of the polymer used.

Since the production of polymer binders is a rather expensive process, their use in pure form is limited. They are most often used as additives to mineral binders. This creates another type of binder - composite.

User avatar Denis Enko
Was here: 9 months 18 hours ago
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Messages: 78
Resistance to household chemicals

In the above list of criteria for choosing ceramic tiles, I did not find a characteristic related to the tile’s resistance to household chemicals and other chemical agents. In production lines (oil and fat factories), service workshops, car washes, canteens and kitchens, difficult operating conditions for coated surfaces are encountered. Perhaps this criterion has its own special name, but, in my opinion, it should be in the list of criteria.

In this case, it is appropriate to talk about two technical characteristics of ceramic tiles, namely, stain resistance (ISO 10545-14) and chemical resistance (EN ISO 10545-13). Detailed information on both characteristics is presented in the article Stain resistance . Olga Vladimirovna , you are right, these characteristics can be used as a criterion when choosing ceramic tiles.

User avatar Olga Vladimirovna
Was here: 1 year 10 months ago
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Resistance to household chemicals

water absorption;
molding method;
surface treatment method (glazed - unglazed);
surface hardness;
abrasion resistance;
frost resistance;
slip resistance on dry and wet surfaces.

In the above list of criteria for choosing ceramic tiles, I did not find a characteristic related to the tile’s resistance to household chemicals and other chemical agents. In production lines (oil and fat factories), service workshops, car washes, canteens and kitchens, difficult operating conditions for coated surfaces are encountered. Perhaps this criterion has its own special name, but, in my opinion, it should be in the list of criteria.

User avatar Denis Enko
Was here: 9 months 18 hours ago
With us from: 24/09/14
Messages: 78
Bonus to bonus

In my opinion, all the important criteria are listed, and as a free bonus for ceramic tiles there is ease of cleaning and surface hygiene. Like this.

Despite the fact that the ease of cleaning and surface hygiene for ceramic tiles is obvious, a detailed article on this topic has appeared on the website. Those interested can familiarize themselves with it : Ease of cleaning and surface hygiene .

As a brief annotation to the article, I will give an important quote from it: Ease of cleaning should be considered not as a property of an individual tile, but as a characteristic of the cladding system as a whole .

User avatar iceramica

Don't panicsmiley . In 2015, the AGATHA collection was released in a new modern format. In addition to recognizable bright colors and stylized decors, the updated collection is presented in three series: AGATHA 25X50 (smooth rectangular tiles), AGATHA PUZLE 25X40 (tiles with uneven edges and a relief surface), and AGATHA TRENCADIS 30x60 (tiles of irregular geometric shape, imitating panels using the trencadis technique ).


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