User comments

User avatar Olga Vladimirovna

Agatha de la Prada creates the most vibrant and slightly crazy collections! I was lucky enough to see her live at a show in Moscow. A woman with incredible energy)))) A real Spaniard! I am very pleased with the fact that her things can now be easily purchased in Russia; many online stores sell them. And the “Agatha” tiles from Pamesa are simply fantastic!!! There was a rumor that it was discontinued last year, does anyone know if it's true? :(((  

User avatar Mikhail

The water absorption rate refers to the shard, that is, to the mass of the tile as a whole, and not to the surface. Therefore, in the case of glazed products, this characteristic does not affect the glaze, which, being a glassy waterproof coating, is devoid of porosity.

User avatar Mikhail

If, on rare occasions, tiles are clearly defective upon opening the box, they should not be installed and should be reported to the seller immediately. They will exchange them for you or return the money you paid for them.

User avatar Nikanorych

Irregularities in size or appearance are considered defects only if they impair the appearance or functionality of the cladding under normal conditions of use. Therefore, if, for example, defects on a tiled floor are visible only at close range or with a magnifying glass, or if they are observed only under a special kind of lighting, then they cannot be recognized as real defects. In any case, to detect flaws on the surface of the cladding, it should be examined with the naked eye (or using glasses, if they are worn constantly) from a distance of 1 - 1.5 m in normal lighting.

User avatar Denis Enko

The control method is described in the EN ISO 10545-2 standard. To control the appearance, a minimum of 30 samples of tiles are selected, which must form a surface area of ​​at least 1 m². The appearance of the tiles is checked visually (with the naked eye) at an illumination of 300 lux from a distance of 1 m from the observer’s eyes. According to the standard, preparation of the sample surface and visual assessment of the surface are carried out by different persons. Surface quality is expressed as a percentage of the number of tiles without defects.

If defective tiles do not exceed 5%, then the batch is assigned FIRST GRADE.

User aden avatar

The regulatory annex does not establish any mandatory requirements, simply stating that “a test method is available.” As a rule, well-known manufacturers of ceramic tiles do not have any problems with this characteristic.

User aden avatar

The moisture expansion of porcelain stoneware, determined according to the EN ISO 10545-10 method, does not on average exceed 0.1 mm/m.

However, if the laying technology is violated, as well as in certain climatic conditions, moisture expansion can cause problems, primarily where ceramic tiles and slabs are laid on concrete that has not reached the required age. In these cases, the upper limit of moisture expansion of ceramic tiles and slabs is recommended to be 0.06% if the test according to ISO 10545-10 is applied.

Thus, the permissible limit for moisture expansion of ceramic tiles should not exceed 0.6 mm/m, which is carried out with a margin for ceramic granite.

User avatar Denis Enko

The breaking load S [H] is determined by the formula:

S = (F*L)/b, where

F - breaking force, [H]
L - distance between support rods, [mm]
b - width of the test sample, [mm].

Bending strength R, [N/mm 2 ], is determined by the equation:

R = (3*F*L)/(2*b*h 2 ) = (3*S)/(2*h 2 ), where

F - breaking force, [H]
L - distance between support rods, [mm]
b - width of the tested sample, [mm]
h - smallest thickness of the tested samples along the fracture line, [mm].

Note : To calculate the bending strength, a rectangular cross-section of the sample is taken. For tiles and slabs with different thicknesses along the failure line, only approximate values ​​are obtained. More accurate values ​​are obtained with a flatter sample profile.

User avatar Foreman Behemoth
Was here: 2 years 1 month ago
With us from: 30/12/14
Messages: 27
Filling the space gap

In the photo from the instructions, “Distance seam 3-5 mm” is highlighted in yellow. Do I understand correctly that it is not filled with tile adhesive? What then should it be filled with?

The distance gap can be safely left without filling with anything. For more details, watch the video instruction Installation and laying of steps for stairs and porches .

User avatar Grachik
Was here: 2 years 3 months ago
With us from: 06/10/14
Messages: 22
Blowing in the spacer gap with foam

Grachik, please explain for what purpose and at what point during installation is polyurethane foam used?

Yes, to be honest, I don’t know whether this is necessary or not... It’s just that when I had to lay the steps for the first time, I found instructions on the Internet - now I do it that way! And the customer is satisfied, seeing that I work thoroughly. I blow it with foam after installation (when the glue has already dried). Personally, I believe that this gives additional strength to the “spouts” and allows the base + coating structure to change linear dimensions without visible consequences (cracks, chips, peeling) due to temperature fluctuations.

User avatar Zhuk Slava
Was here: 3 years 1 month ago
With us from: 29/09/14
Messages: 20
Laying steps with spacer clearance

Grachik , please explain for what purpose and at what point during installation is polyurethane foam used?

User avatar Mikhail
Was here: 9 months 18 hours ago
With us from: 14/11/14
Messages: 12
Filling the space gap

Why not cardboard? In both cases, it will not absorb moisture, and therefore will not collapse. But there will be gaps for movement of the base and coating from temperature and humidity expansion during further operation. Although I agree - foam will be more reliable.

User avatar Vasily Petyaev
Was here: 3 years 2 months ago
With us from: 15/09/14
Messages: 13
Filling the space gap

Well, foam is all right, but cardboard?! Guys, it seems to me that you can just as well leave this gap unfilled (or fill it with air).

User avatar Grachik
Was here: 2 years 3 months ago
With us from: 06/10/14
Messages: 22
Laying steps with spacer clearance

I usually fill this gap with foam.

User avatar Nikanorych
Was here: 9 months 3 days ago
With us from: 31/03/15
Messages: 23
Porch on the street

Yes, there is still a long way to go before the distance gap is filled. I agree with the previous post: either renew the porch every season, or completely dismantle it, and then follow the instructions. You can also buy a couple of ready-made flights of concrete stairs and install them directly on the old brick base. Fill the sides with 20 centimeters of concrete. Then cover everything with tiles or leave it as is. I pulled off such a trick 8-9 years ago. The staircase is still in excellent condition.

By the way, in the forum “ Steps with correct cladding ” in the second comment on the diagram it is clearly readable that the base is concrete or reinforced concrete. If you dismantle the porch and rebuild it, write here what you will use to seal the space gap - cardboard, foam, air, etc.

User avatar Nikanorych
Was here: 9 months 3 days ago
With us from: 31/03/15
Messages: 23
Laying steps with spacer clearance

I use regular cardboard as a spacer; I always have this material on hand. It is easy to cut a figure of any shape and thickness from it.

User avatar Nikanorych

Yes, I’ve been to Odessa and seen this intersection with sandy-yellow clinker paving stones. Indeed, the pavement is still in excellent condition. After walking along the paving stones, the question arises: why were only 100 meters paved? The fact is that when the fathers of the eternal city were puzzled by replacing the street surface, then the enterprising Dutch, who were the first to establish mass production of clinker in Europe, delivered a batch of bricks to the city by sea, and paved the busy intersection as an advertisement. However, the anti-slip notch was not yet known, and the coating was considered excessively slippery. In rainy weather, residents and even horse riders repeatedly fell.

User avatar Dmitry Kedrov
Was here: 2 years 11 months ago
With us from: 21/10/14
Messages: 6
Criteria for choosing ceramic tiles

I suggest first reading the article entitled “Slip Resistance on Dry and Wet Surfaces,” which is presented on the website. This voluminous article talks about the coefficient of friction (dynamic and static), methods for testing tiles to determine the degree of sliding, and the relevant standards are indicated. I think this will be a detailed answer.

It turned out to be a sensible article. Now I think we can sum up intermediate results. Returning to the topic of discussion “Criteria for choosing ceramic tiles”, we have outlined the following important aspects that you should pay attention to, so these are:

  1. water absorption;
  2. molding method;
  3. surface treatment method (glazed - unglazed);
  4. surface hardness;
  5. abrasion resistance;
  6. frost resistance;
  7. slip resistance on dry and wet surfaces.

In my opinion, all the important criteria are listed, and as a free bonus for ceramic tiles there is ease of cleaning and surface hygiene. Like this.

User avatar Zhuk Slava
Was here: 3 years 1 month ago
With us from: 29/09/14
Messages: 20

In the photo from the instructions, “Distance seam 3-5 mm” is highlighted in yellow. Do I understand correctly that it is not filled with tile adhesive? What then should it be filled with?


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