User comments

User avatar Denis Enko

Here is an example of an individual characteristic of a participant (the signs ___ mean the name of the employee).

Professional motivation diagram

____'s motivation profile contains pronounced motivational directions; they are equally important - the professional motive and the bonus motive. This combination of motivating factors characterizes a typical sales representative, while ___ not only has the desire to sell and receive a bonus, it will be important for her to sell the product taking into account the needs of the buyer. ___ strives for professional self-realization and a higher standard of living. ___ can be demotivated by disputes and disagreements in the team and lack of support from colleagues. A fairly high score on the negative experience scale indicates the importance for a specialist of the transparency of the company’s processes and its reliability.

At the training, ___ made a generally positive impression, she was active, tried to listen, participated in discussions and debates, and conveyed her position quite confidently. Confidence in attitude and actions is based on experience. During the training process, she showed curiosity and openness to new knowledge.  

Competent and calm speech with moderate emotionality allows ___ to act as a specialist in front of the buyer; the buyer in most cases trusts the opinion and recommendations conveyed by ___. He is familiar with the assortment, but systematization of knowledge is simply necessary for high-quality argumentation when communicating with clients.

___ must be inspired for self-development and professional development through involvement in the corporate culture, as well as setting specific goals with subsequent monitoring. A sufficiently high level of responsibility and work experience will allow you to perfectly cope with the role of a mentor or supervisor for new employees.

User avatar Mikhail

For your reference, you can post here an example of an individual characteristic of a participant, which is obtained on the basis of diagnostics carried out in the training program.

User avatar Denis Enko

The surface hardness of ceramic tiles is taken into account when choosing them for floor covering. The higher the Mohs scale, the better. I will give real values ​​of hardness on the Mohs scale for ceramic tiles:

  1. Ceramic granite not polished – 6-8.
  2. Polished ceramic granite – 5.
  3. Glazed ceramic granite – 5.
  4. Ceramic tiles – 4-5.
User avatar Nikanorych

Do not use this product on carpeted or waxed wood floors.

User avatar Evgeniy

For routine care of all types of surfaces : Dilute FILACLEANER in a ratio of 1:200 (25 ml per 5 liters of water).
No rinsing required. To remove more stubborn stains, you can use a solution of higher concentration. For cleaning delicate surfaces after installation (marble, travertine, granite, glossy agglomerates, etc.): Dilute FILACLEANER in a ratio of 1:30 and spread over the surface with a hard sponge or a single-disc machine with a soft disc.
Collect residues with a cloth or wet vacuum cleaner. At the end of the procedure, rinsing is required. For wet vacuum cleaners : Dilute FILACLEANER in a ratio of 1:200.
Pour the solution into the tank. For normal care of very dirty surfaces : Dilute FILACLEANER in a ratio of 1:30 to 1:50 depending on the degree of contamination. Wash with a rag and a hard sponge. Collect dirt and rinse.

User avatar Nikanorych

Do not use on polished marble or acid-sensitive materials. Make sure the material is resistant to the product by preliminary testing on a small area of ​​the surface. For aluminum elements, use the product in accordance with the instructions for use, using a soft sponge.

User avatar Victoria 1

Cleaning after installation : first moisten the surface with water. Then use DETERDEK diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 or 1:10 (1 liter of product per 5 or 10 liters of water). Apply the resulting solution to an area of ​​several square meters at a time, wait 2-3 minutes, then rub vigorously with a brush or one disc machine. Collect the remaining product with a cloth or wet vacuum cleaner and rinse with plenty of water. If poorly cleaned areas remain, rinse again with a more concentrated solution.

For unscheduled cleaning of external surfaces already in use with obvious signs of wear (smog, dust, etc.): dilute 1 liter of product with 10 liters of water. Then rinse as described above.

User avatar Victoria 1

Gloss renewal (every 2-3 months): after cleaning the surface with FILACLEANER solution (1:200), apply FILALONGLIFE, diluting half a liter of product in 5 liters of water.
After complete drying, the floor covering is ready for use. Restoring the protective agent (once a year): remove wax from the surface using FILAPS87 detergent in a ratio of 1:5. Rinse. Apply FILALONGLIFE undiluted to a dry, clean surface using a roller, rag or other tool. After complete drying, the floor covering is ready for use.

User avatar Olga Vladimirovna

1) Number of participants: 814 from 35 countries.
2) Ceramic tiles 485 companies (of which 252 are Italian manufacturers).
3) The exhibition was visited by 111,605 people, including 55,857 foreigners.
4) Occupied area 156,000 square meters.
5) The exhibition lasted 5 days.

The wear resistance class of ceramic tiles is often accompanied by the abbreviation PEI - from the name of the US institute Porcelain Enamel Institute, which conducts research on ceramic materials and developed this measurement scale.
The method is based on the assertion that the degree of wear of ceramic tiles should not be determined by a decrease in its thickness, but rather by a noticeable difference in appearance between the worn surface and areas that have not been tested. The assessment is carried out at a certain distance under specified lighting conditions. It is important to emphasize that with the same degree of abrasion on dark surfaces, the wear invariably becomes more noticeable. For this reason, the PEI value is shown in tile catalogs as a requirement for an individual assortment item, and not for the collection as a whole, since it can contain both light and dark tiles.

User avatar Gennady Sliva
Was here: 2 years 1 month ago
With us from: 06/10/14
Messages: 15
Natural linoleum

Natural linoleum is made from a composition based on linseed oil, containing components only of natural origin: wood and cork flour, ground limestone, mineral pigments, and so on. Coarse-mesh fabric made of natural jute is used as the base. Unlike other types of elastic coatings, natural linoleum has a unique set of properties: antistatic, bactericidal, heat resistance, durability, environmental friendliness, due to which it is used mainly in hospitals, schools, children's institutions, etc., as well as in residential premises. Available in rolls and tiles.

Characteristic features of natural linoleum are the fragility of the coating when bent and the ability to change geometric dimensions depending on climatic conditions. Moreover, while decreasing in the longitudinal direction, in the transverse direction the dimensions of the coating, on the contrary, increase. These material features must be taken into account when laying. In practice, natural linoleum in rolls is laid so that between the panels there is a gap of approximately the thickness of a postcard (0.3-0.5 mm).

Natural linoleum is unstable (flows) before installation, so its rolls are stored only in a vertical position.

User avatar Nikanorych
Was here: 9 months 3 days ago
With us from: 31/03/15
Messages: 23
Rubber coatings

Rubber coatings can withstand high mechanical loads, have sound-absorbing properties, and are resistant to short-term exposure to oils, diluted alkalis and acids. One of the most valuable properties of rubber flooring is its non-slip surface, which is why it is often used in wet areas, such as pool walkways and ice rinks, and where safety is especially important, such as stair treads.

User avatar Foreman Behemoth
Was here: 2 years 1 month ago
With us from: 30/12/14
Messages: 27
Polyvinyl chloride coatings

The abbreviation “PVC” is used to denote a widely used thermoplastic material - polyvinyl chloride. This polymer, which is rigid under normal conditions, is easily modified by adding plasticizers and stabilizers, giving it plasticity and durability. In addition, it is perfectly colored with pigments, is resistant to many acids, alkalis, alcohols and oils, and also practically does not absorb moisture at all. Due to its properties, polyvinyl chloride is an excellent material for the manufacture of flooring.

Household PVC coatings are a multilayer material consisting of a thin working PVC layer with a pattern applied to the surface and a thick base layer, and are used in rooms with low pedestrian loads (mainly residential). The base performs sound and heat insulating functions and is made of foamed PVC or textile materials - fabric or non-woven (polyester and the like).

Semi-commercial PVC coatings are made, basically, in the same way as household coatings, but have a more durable working layer and base, and are used in premises with average pedestrian loads: residential, administrative and public. Most often they have a base made of foamed PVC.

Commercial PVC coatings are available in two types - homogeneous (single-layer, having a uniform structure and color throughout the entire thickness) and heterogeneous (multilayer without a base, having a wear-resistant top layer of pure PVC, often with a protective polyurethane coating, and a bottom layer of calendered PVC with filler) . They are used in commercial premises with high pedestrian loads: shopping and entertainment centers, supermarkets, train stations, hotels, exhibition halls and so on.

Quartz vinyl tiles are a homogeneous PVC coating with a high (50 to 80%) quartz content. This tile has high strength and wear resistance, can withstand high loads and is used in offices, cafes, clubs, industrial premises, parking lots and so on.

User avatar Gennady Sliva
Was here: 2 years 1 month ago
With us from: 06/10/14
Messages: 15
Flocked coverings

The electrostatic flocking method is a new technology for the production of carpets. Short (about 2 mm) polyamide fibers, under the influence of electrostatic forces, are tightly placed on the surface and fused into the polyvinyl chloride base. The result is pile coverings with a pile density 10 times higher than tufted ones and very high strength. Essentially, such coverings are a “hybrid” of carpet and PVC coverings.

User avatar Nikanorych
Was here: 9 months 3 days ago
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Messages: 23
Needle-punched coatings

In the needle-punched production method, the fiber is placed on a woven base and punched repeatedly with frequently spaced barbed needles along its entire length. As a result of the up-and-down movement of the needles, the threads of fibers intertwine and form a dense material similar to felt. In addition, the fibers are bonded to the underside of the covering with latex or other adhesive. Needle-punched coverings are lint-free and are inferior in comfort to tufted or woven coverings, but are characterized by increased wear resistance. Therefore, they are often used in rooms with high pedestrian loads, for example, in offices, theaters, cinemas, concert halls and so on.

User aden avatar
Was here: 9 months 2 days ago
With us from: 03/09/14
Messages: 42
Tufted coatings

Tufting is currently the most common carpet manufacturing technology. With this technology, a woven base, for example, made of polypropylene fiber, is stitched with pile threads and secured on the reverse side with latex, which is why tufted coverings are also called needle-stitched. Then a base is glued to the wrong side of the covering: fabric (for example, made of artificial jute), made of non-woven materials (most often polyester) or made of foamed polymer materials (latex or PVC).

The popularity of tufting is due to the relative cheapness and huge variety of appearance of the resulting coatings. Thanks to the ability to quickly change the coating density (number of stitches per unit area), pattern, pile height, etc., production is easily rebuilt, and the number of options for tufted coatings is almost limitless. All tufted coverings are pile - the pile can be cut or not cut, high or low, various combined options are possible. Tufted coatings are produced both in rolls up to 5 m wide and in tiles.

User avatar Foreman Behemoth
Was here: 2 years 1 month ago
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Woven coverings

Woven coverings are made in the traditional way, in which the pile threads are intertwined with the weft and warp threads and all together form a single product. For woven coverings, the base is inseparable from the coating and therefore does not peel off even with intensive use. Woven coverings are divided into pile and lint-free (for example, rugs). The reverse side of the coating usually has a fabric structure.

Adhesives for woven coverings must have high initial tack and long open time, as woven coverings can be extremely bulky and difficult to install. If the coating has a repeating pattern, the adhesive must also provide a long correction time, which is important for matching the pattern at the joints.

User avatar Foreman Behemoth
Was here: 2 years 1 month ago
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Messages: 27
Choosing the right spatula

Choosing the right spatula avoids:

1. Increased glue consumption .
In case of increased glue consumption, its hardening time increases and in most cases is not observed. This results in wasted time, potential for bubbles, deformation of coatings and/or adhesive protruding around the perimeter of the tiles. 2. Glue consumption is too low . If not enough glue is applied, the open time will be reduced. The quality of coating adhesion decreases. Shrinkage may also occur.

User aden avatar
Was here: 9 months 2 days ago
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Messages: 42
Shapes of spatula teeth

The main shapes of spatulas: triangular, rectangular, rounded. The shape of the spatula is determined by four parameters: a - tooth width; b - distance between teeth; c - tooth height; Ɣ - angle between the edges of the teeth.

User avatar Foreman Behemoth

An increase in the amount of mixing water inevitably leads to a decrease in the strength of the hardened mortar and an increase in its drying time. At the same time, shrinkage strains also increase, which can lead to the formation of cracks. In addition, an overdose of mixing water leads to delamination of the mixture, when the heaviest component (sand) settles down, and the lightest components (modifying additives), on the contrary, float to the surface. As a result of delamination, the homogeneity of the structure of the hardened solution is disrupted and its surface layer is significantly weakened. The main sign of mixture delamination is usually the presence of a chalking white coating on the surface of the leveling layer. In this case, the material should be considered not to comply with the declared characteristics, and the resulting floor base should not meet the requirements for it.

The main condition for the quality of work when laying leveling mixtures is strict control of the amount of mixing water!


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